Rouffignac St Cernin

Nearest Village


The nearby village of Rouffignac-Saint-Cernin-de-Reilhac has an interesting history and via a short drive (or pleasant walk) can provide everything from your daily baguette to your weekly shop. Facilities include a popular boulangerie specialising in exquisite pastries, an excellent butcher and several small shops, supplemented by a larger Carrefour supermarket with petrol station and car wash. There's even a Bricolage shed! Two popular hotels offer complete menus (one rather posh 3*) plus two or three additional bar-restaurants to provide a pleasant distraction, all within walking distance.

There is a busy Sunday morning market that is held throughout the year and at the height of season this lively market is unmissable, providing a wide range of fresh food and delicacies from interesting local vendeurs. In high season the same market square hosts a Wednesday ‘nuit marche’ (night market) where the butcher and stallholders sell local speciality dishes and wine that can be consumed on the tables provided, whilst enjoying some free entertainment.

To finish the season in late August our annual fête is a spectacular affair, culminating in a ‘grand feu d’artifice’ (firework display), although for more simple pleasures Rouffignac provides some pleasant walks, an interesting old church and some great viewing points as you wander around. And to top it all, just five minutes away is our famous grotte (‘cave of a hundred mammoths’) that is part of one of the most extensive underground systems in the region. A subterranean train takes you over 2km into these caves, which are listed by UNESCO as a World Heritage site due to the many prehistoric paintings to be found there.

On a more practical level, Rouffignac has a new health centre that boasts nurses, three doctors and a dentist housed within purpose-built quarters that also includes a pharmacie. Located in the village centre close to the Mairie (Town Hall) is the Office de Tourisme where you can find leaflets and guidance to unpack your holidays. There is also a village portal offering local information here and there are also many online resources such as this.

Please refer to the Useful Links in the adjoining section where you will find a wealth of interesting articles and links providing information about the local area.